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Hatari Farming can put a whole series of South African record prices behind our name, including for the most expensive Dormer ram and ewe. Our stud consists of some of the finest dormer breed genetics in the country. We achieve this excellence by adhering to strict breeding standards along with persistent effort to acquire only the best from proven breeding lines. See our 2022 Production Auction Results

Breeding with Dormer Sheep

The Dormer is well known for its high fertility, excellent mothering abilities, long breeding season and easy lambing. As a result of this the Dormer is one of the most efficient sheep breeds in South Africa.


The ewes generally produce twins or higher multiples, which remarkably increases sustainability and profitability. Not to mention the stud ewes generate more income than the commercial ewes allowing you to spend more on additional feed for the stud ewes.

Profitability as Dormer Breeders

The Dormer is a high-value sheep breed, as seen by the ever-increasing demand for the breed. You can also expect higher slaughter percentages and early maturation and what’s more, dormers are perfect feedlot enterprises due to their excellent average daily gain (ADG).

South African Record Dormer Ewe

“Twee jong telers se opgang in die Dormer-bedryf het op diΓ© telersgenootskap se nasionale veiling ’n hoogtepunt bereik deurdat hulle die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar rekordpryse vir van die land se beste teelmateriaal opgedok het.” – Lees meer by Landbou Weekblad

South African Record Dormer Ram

We invested in the SA record Dormer Ram known as Oorlog to offer his offspring on our production auctions. Moreover, we established Hatari Farming as a reliable, sustainable and trustworthy brand. Oorlog has allowed us to buy one exceptional ram and multiply his genetics using the latest technology, including artificial insemination and embryo transfer.

“Steyn Steenekamp van Twee Broers stoetery sΓͺ die Hatari Farming het in Oorlog belΓͺ om van sy nageslag na verwagting in 2022 op hul eerste produksieveiling van die Dormerstoetery Hatari aan te bied. Hulle het die afgelope vyf jaar van Suid-Afrika se beste teelmateriaal gekoop. Baie van Hatari se vroulike diere kom uit bewese teellyne.” – Netwerk 24 | Lees gratis verder.

The Dormer Sheep Breed

Not only are South African Dormers becoming the most sought after mutton sheep breed but they also have a fascinating history.

The dormer breed originated from the need to produce:
  • A tougher slaughter lamb that can grow rapidly and survive the cold wet weather of South Africa
  • A mutton breed with rams that are suited for crossbreeding
  • A larger ewe without losing the characteristics of Merino Wool but improving on the Merinos mutton conformation.

As a result the Dormer breed was produced by crossbreeding German Merino Ewes and Dorset Horn Rams

The name β€˜Dormer’ comes from Dorset and Merino

The Question is However – Why Dormers?

Maximum meat for money

High result percentage

Early market-ready slaughter lamb

Excellent results in feedlot

Good feed conversion ratio

Long breeding season and lots of milk

Suitable for cross breeding and pure breeding

Early maturity and rapid growth ability

Adaptability across South Africa

High lambing and weaning percentage

Breeding Exceptional Genetics

We believe that the most important characteristic of any stud breeder is integrity. We have faith in our stud and will never sell any animal in which we have any doubt. Our intention when we got involved in the stud game goes beyond money as we wanted to make a real impact on the dormer stud industry as a whole.

Accordingly, we brought in exceptional ewes and rams from Dormer breeders across the country, including 2 Broers, DroΓ«rivier, Danie Thomas, Nova Barletta, Johan Barnard, Rooihek, and Erika Hannekom.

These rams and ewes brought in revolutionised the Hatari Farming Stud. It helped us breed dormers with the correct conformation, uniformity, correct legs, and better heads.

We knew we had to buy the right animals from the start. We select dormers according to stringent criteria, including conformation, fertility, constitution, growth potential and hardiness, to ensure correct breeding values. As passionate and respected Dormer breeders only the best genetics get introduced into our stud. Referenced from Dormer SA and Farmers Weekly

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  • Hatari-farming-dormer-stud-sheep